School Entry Protocols
All students and staff who attend school in person will be required to adhere to the following guidelines and protocols.
Prior to entry into any school building, all students and staff must undergo a temperature check.
All students and staff will be administered a wellness questionnaire. This questionnaire will be administered via Genesis and must be completed by 8am on the days your child attends in-person instruction
Students will be assigned a specific set of doors for entry and exit into the building.
Protocol for High Risk Staff Members
Staff members who are considered to be in a high risk category will be required to meet with district administration to discuss the needs of the district and the employee. The district will make reasonable accommodations to allow for remote work if practicable. When remote work is not feasible, employees will be entitled to a leave of absence as governed by statute and NJDOE guidance.
Protocol for High Risk Students
Students who are considered to be at high risk will be offered a fully remote learning experience. This experience will include live streamed lessons, independent work and follow up with educational staff.
Location of Student and Staff Screening
All persons entering the building will be screened on a daily basis.
All persons entering the building will be required to complete a health questionnaire.
All persons entering the building may be required to submit to a temperature screening.
A specific schedule of entrance locations will be developed and published to all families and staff prior to the start of school.
Social Distancing in Entrances, Exits, and Common Areas
All persons entering the building will be required to practice appropriate social distancing
All entrances will be marked with appropriate spacing. Common areas will have the same markings to indicate needed distances. To the extent possible, there will not be any gatherings larger than 25 persons at any time.
Facial coverings will be required during entrance, exit, travel and throughout the school day.